Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Improper to wear a Princess Belle costume to a Renaissance Fair?

I mean, I've seen people dress as Naruto and a Geisha, which seems wayyy off-course, but Belle is from the 17th century and European. So it should work, right?|||Aya is right in that it is inaccurate, historically speaking. The events of Beauty and the Beast happen near the tail end of the Renaissance....and that is depending on exactly when you pin the Renaissance as happening. (Some historians argue about the actual dates.)

I mean, yeah, I guess its better than no costume, but its still just a bit too modern if authenticity is something you care about. If you just want to look close and be in costume, then by all means go for it. Just be prepared to be talked too by people in character who might pretend your actually Belle.

If you are looking for ideas for what dresses from that era might look like, I put a link in the sources section.

Hope this helps!|||It's still inauthentic. Clearly, people get away with wearing inauthentic costumes to Renaissance Fairs all the time, so it's really up to you if you want to wear a Belle costume. But if looking authentic is important to you, Belle isn't going to work.|||I wouldn't do it.

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