Friday, September 23, 2011

How did Belle fall of the cliff in New Moon?

I forgot how she fell of the cliff and how she fell of the cliff. Can some one tell me? Thanks|||Actually, Bella didn't fall off, she jumped. Everytime Bella did somethinig dangerous she heard Edward's voice in her head telling her to stop and be careful. So she asked Jacob to take her cliff diving one day and he promised but when Jacob had to go help hunt down Victoria with the other werewolves Bella felt pained that he was out there fighting for her and that Edward was gone. So, wanting to hear his voice again, she jumped to escape the pain at that moment but ended up almost drowning.|||she was cliff-diving. She jumped intentionally.|||She jumped, not fall =)

She thought Jacob wasn't coming to dive with her so she went ahead.|||she did fall off she jumped off she was cliff diving in an attempt to hear edwards voice tell her she is acting stupid basically but yea she jumped not fell big difference there k ttyl|||she was wating for Jacob to go cliffdiving with her, but he didn't turn up. before she was going to jump, Edward's voice was trying to convince her not to do it but she did it anyway, and ended up getting caught in the current. edward was telling her to keep fighting and not to give up and drown. then Jacob somehow resued her...|||She didnt fall she jumped intentionally

because she was cliff-diving.

She was supposed to go with Jacob but she couldnt wait.

And she also wanted to do "stupid and reckless" things to hear Edward's voice|||She was allegedly cliff-diving for fun. Even if she wasn't really suicidal, she took it as a way to relieve herself off the pain of Edward's absence|||Jacob had promised to go cliff-diving with her, but was busy and so she decided to go by herself. She jumped off the cliff so that she could do something risky and hear edwards voice in her head.|||She didn't fall. She jumped. She didn't actually do it to kill herself.|||Jumped. On purpose. So that she could hear Edward's voice like she always did when she was in danger.|||She was being stupid and reckless so she could hear Edward. She went cliff-diving, but she didn't wait for Jacob.

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