Friday, September 23, 2011

Wondered if anyone could think of a male alternative for the name BlueBelle or Belle ?

It's for a budgie.

I thought she was a female, but her Cere seems to be turning blueish.

She already kinda knows the name BlueBelle or Belle mostly.

So can anyone think of a male name similar to this ?

Thanks.|||Dear Kitty,

I'm a CAT person, but do feed the wild birds daily. There is a male name to Blue however the spelling is Blu. Hope this helps.|||I think bill sounds quite similar. :)|||any of those are good hes a boy so simple,, Blu Boy.|||BlueBill. Or Bill.

But if you want 1 of the above go with Benji Blue! It is so cool!|||How about: Blue Thunder, Blue, or Midnight Blue.

-- PA

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