Tuesday, September 27, 2011

What album should I listen to by Belle & Sebastian?

So I already listened to 'If You're Feeling Sinister', great album btw. Anywho, what is the order I should listen to the rest of their albums or just what album of theirs should I listen to next?|||I really like The Life Pursuit|||I know this is subjective, but the answer voted the best is insane. Belle and Sebastian started off being brilliant and gradually declined to the point where they became a shadow of their former selves. Compare "The State I am In" from Tigermilk with "Funny Little Frog".

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|||The Boy With The Arab Strap and Tigermilk are, in my opinion, their two best albums. I love them both. My first one was Tigermilk, but either of them is a great B%26amp;S album to get. I think the Boy With The Arab Strap might be a little better, though.

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