Sunday, September 18, 2011

How can I portray the Disney princess Belle?

I work at a birthday party place for little girls, and I recently made a Belle dress so the brunettes could dress up as a princess at parties. I need some tips on how to convince these girls that I'm the real Belle, because I want to make their birthday's special. :) Any tips you can give me or even links to articles would be fantastic!!|||Hello! If you want to convince the girls you are the real Belle, then watch Beauty and the Beast and study her character. Act as the real Belle would- smart, thoughtful, and kind. Do not spazz out and do the "princess" voice and talk about "magical" and "sparkle" and "enchanted" and stuff like that. Belle would not really do that. Belle is an intellectual and smart young woman who would never think of herself or label herself as a "magical princess". Belle wouldn't sprinkle fairy dust on the little girls or give them makeovers, she'd be spend time doing things that are useful but fun. Plant a garden with them, read them a classic (A Little Princess, The Secret Garden, Alice in Wonderland, Anne of Green Gables, etc.), or teach them how to play chess. As for the voice, please don't use the typical "princess" voice or a British accent use a moderate, gentle-sounding voice that isn't too fantasy-character like but what a real gentle-sounding person would sound like. Remember, for a day you are a real virtuous princess with intellect not a Princess Penelope type character.

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